

      town, northeastern Myanmar (Burma). It lies along the Irrawaddy River, 25 miles (40 km) below the confluence of its two headstreams, the Mali and Nmai rivers, whence it is navigable for more than 950 miles (1,530 km) to the sea. The town's name meansclose to the big river.” Myitkyinā is a trading centre on the Stilwell (Ledo) Road, which links with the Burma Road into China, and is also the terminus of the railway north from Yangon (Rangoon). Another road leads to Putao, 150 miles (240 km) to the north, and to the Tibetan border. The town is also a ferry crossing on the Irrawaddy. Because of these extensive communications links, Myitkyinā is one of the most important river ports in northern Myanmar. A strategic point in the struggle for Burma during World War II, it fell to Allied forces in August 1944. It has an airport and a diesel electric plant. Myitkyinā is also the site of the Kachin traditional religious feast of Manao (held each January). Myitkyinā Degree College is affiliated with the Arts and Science University at Mandalay. An institute for training elementary teachers is also located there. Pidaung game reserve is situated west of the town.

      The surrounding area is predominantly hilly and forested and is drained by the headstreams of the Irrawaddy and the Upper Chindwin rivers. Teak and other timbers are produced. Most crops are grown by dry farming, although there is some wet rice and sugarcane cultivation. Pop. (1983) 56,427.

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Universalium. 2010.

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