Mustanṣir, al-

Mustanṣir, al-

Fāṭimid caliph
born July 2, 1029, Egypt
died Jan. 10, 1094, Cairo

      eighth Fāṭimid caliph. He inherited the rule of the most powerful Muslim state of the time, but, during his reign, which was the longest of any Muslim ruler, the Fāṭimid government suffered decisive and irrevocable setbacks.

      He became caliph in 1036, when he was only seven years old, and real authority had to be wielded by his father's vizier (prime minister) and, after the death of the latter, by al-Mustanṣir's mother. During this time Egypt was frequently the scene of pitched battles between bodies of soldiery, usually ethnic groups, such as the Sudanese and Turks, who supported various politicians. Al-Mustanṣir lacked the influence to shape the direction of these events, although there were times when he personally led troops in battle. By 1073 he was reduced to desperation and secretly offered military authority in Egypt to the Armenian general Badr al-Jamālī. Badr accepted but insisted that he bring his own troops with him. In a swift series of brutal actions, Badr defeated the various military factions, executed a large number of Egyptian politicians, and thus restored relative peace and prosperity. Al-Mustanṣir strengthened his relations with Badr by securing the marriage of his youngest son to Badr's daughter. He had, however, made a fateful decision, for real power now passed to Badr and after him to a series of other military commanders. Fāṭimid influence outside Egypt shrank, areas in North Africa slipped from al-Mustanṣir's control, and conditions in Syria were so chaotic that it was impossible to offer effective resistance to the Seljuq Turks, who were advancing from the east. Through most of his reign al-Mustanṣir lived in great luxury, the source of which was profitable commercial relations with Indian Ocean powers and with Constantinople.

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Universalium. 2010.

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