Mussato, Albertino

Mussato, Albertino

Italian writer and statesman
born 1261, Padua, March of Verona [Italy]
died May 31, 1329, Chioggia, Republic of Venice

      Italian statesman and writer who was outstanding both as a poet and as a historian of the 14th century.

      Mussato earned his living as a copyist while studying for the profession of notary. He was knighted in 1296 and, after becoming a member of the Council of Padua, was sent in 1302 as ambassador to Pope Boniface VIII. In 1311 he was a member of an embassy from Guelf (pro-papal) Padua to Emperor Henry VII in Milan, and, during a long war between Padua and Vicenza, he often served as a negotiator between Padua and the emperor. Mussato was crowned as a poet before the senate and the university of Padua in December 1315, the first poet so honoured.

      Mussato's Historia Augusta (“Augustan History”), a chronicle of Henry VII's actions in Italy, and his De gestis Italicorum post Henricum VII Caesarem (“Concerning the Deeds of the Italians After Emperor Henry VII”) are important sources for the history of 14th-century Italy. His Latin poems and the tragedy Ecerinis, modeled after Seneca's plays and based on the life of the Veronese tyrant Ezzelino da Romano, foreshadow Italian humanism.

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