

Dutch author
pseudonym of  Eduard Douwes Dekker  
born March 2, 1820, Amsterdam, Neth.
died Feb. 19, 1887, Nieder-Ingelheim, Ger.

      one of The Netherlands' greatest writers, whose radical ideas and freshness of style eclipsed the mediocre, self-satisfied Dutch literature of the mid-19th century.

      In 1838 Multatuli went to the Dutch East Indies, where he held a number of government posts until 1856, when he resigned because, as assistant commissioner of Lebak, Java, he was not supported by the colonial government in his attempts to protect the Javanese from their own chiefs. He returned to Europe.

      Multatuli became internationally known with his most important work, the novel Max Havelaar (1860). Partly autobiographical, it concerns the vain efforts of an enlightened official in Indonesia to expose the Dutch exploitation of the natives. The frame structure of the novel enabled him both to plead for justice in Java and to satirize unsparingly the Dutch middle-class mentality. The conversational style and type of humour were far in advance of Multatuli's time, and the book long remained a solitary phenomenon in The Netherlands.

      Apart from Minnebrieven (1861; “Love Letters”), a fictitious romantic correspondence between Multatuli, his wife, and Fancy, his ideal soul mate, his main work was Ideën, 7 vol. (186277; “Ideas”), in which he gives his anachronistically radical views on woman's position in society and on education, national politics, and other topics. Included in the Ideën is his autobiographical novel Woutertje Pieterse, an early work of realism.

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  • Multatuli — Eduard Douwes Dekker, also known as Multatuli Born Eduard Douwes Dekker 2 March 1820(1820 03 02) Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands Die …   Wikipedia

  • MULTATULI — Eduard Douwes Dekker, surtout connu sous le pseudonyme de Multatuli (en latin, «J’ai beaucoup supporté»), dut, en grande partie, son inspiration et sa gloire aux épreuves qui lui advinrent durant son séjour aux Indes néerlandaises. L’amertume de… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Multatuli — Multatuli,   eigentlich Eduard Douwes Dẹkker, niederländischer Schriftsteller, * Amsterdam 2. 3. 1820, ✝ Nieder Ingelheim (heute zu Ingelheim am Rhein) 19. 2. 1887; trat frühzeitig in den niederländischen Kolonialdienst, war ab 1851 Assistent… …   Universal-Lexikon

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  • Multatuli — Multatuli, Pseudonym von Eduard Douwes Dekker …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Multatuli — Eduard Douwes Dekker. Eduard Douwes Dekker (Ámsterdam, 2 de marzo 1820 Nieder Ingelheim, 19 de febrero 1887) fue un destacado escritor holandés. Se le conoce por el seudónimo Multatuli que adoptó; significa en latín mucho he sufrido (multa tuli)… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Multatuli — Porträt von Eduard Douwes Dekker Multatuli Museum im Geburtshaus des Dichters in Amsterdam, Korsjespoortsteeg 20 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Multatuli — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Dekker. Multatuli …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Multatuli — (pseudonym of Eduard Douwes Dekker) (1820–1887)    Writer. Douwes Dekker at first chose a career in the governmentof the Netherlands East Indies. After a quarrel with his superiors, he resigned and returned to Europe. In 1860, his novel Max… …   Historical Dictionary of the Netherlands

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