Mukhtār ibn Abū ʿUbayd al-Thaqafi, al-

Mukhtār ibn Abū ʿUbayd al-Thaqafi, al-

Muslim leader
born c. 622, al-Ṭaʾif, Arabia [now in Saudi Arabia]
died March 687, Kūfah, Iraq

      Shīʿite Muslim leader who in 686 championed the unenthusiastic Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥanafīyah, a son of ʿAlī (the fourth caliph in Islam), as leader of the Islamic community in opposition to the Umayyad dynasty.

      In his call for revolt, Mukhtār appealed to the pro-Shīʿite sentiments of Iraq's Arab tribesmen. He also rallied the mawālī, non-Arab (mainly Persian) Muslims of Kūfah, to his cause by preaching the imminent coming of a mahdi, or saviour, who would wipe out ethnic and class distinctions and implant the egalitarian society of believers envisioned in the Qurʾān. His troops defeated an Umayyad army on the banks of the Khāzir River in August 686, but the following year Mukhtār was defeated and slain by the forces of the anticaliph ʿAbd Allāh ibn al-Zubayr.

      As a promoter of the idea of the mahdi and of equality of Arab and non-Arab Muslims, Mukhtār influenced the course of later Shīʿite Islam and is thus more important than his brief success as leader of an egalitarian revolutionary movement would indicate.

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Universalium. 2010.

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