Muʿizz-ud-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Sām
- Muʿizz-ud-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Sām
▪ Ghūrid ruler of India
Arabic Muʿizz Ad-dīn Muḥammad Ibn Sām, also called Muḥammad Ghūrī, or Shihāb-ud-dīn Muḥammad Ghūrī
died March 15, 1206, Damyak, India
the Ghūrid conqueror of the north Indian plain; he was one of the founders of Muslim rule in India.
s elder brother,
acquired power east of Herāt in the region of Ghūr (
in present Afghanistan)
c. 1162.
Dīn always remained his brother'
s loyal subordinate.
Thus Muʿizz-
Dīn expelled the Oğuz Turkmen nomads from Ghazna (
in 1173 and came as required to his brother'
s assistance in his contest with Khwārezm for the lordship of Khorāsān.
After Ghiyāṣ-
s death in 1202,
the rivalry between the two powers came to a head with Muʿizz-
s attack in 1204 on the Khwārezmian capital,
Gurganj (
in present Uzbekistan).
In Hindustān,
Dīn captured Multān and Uch in 1175 and annexed the Ghaznavid principality of Lahore in 1186.
After being defeated by a coalition of Rājput kings at Tarāorī (
see Tarāorī, Battles of)
in 1191,
he returned the next year with an army of mounted archers and won a great victory over them on the same field,
opening the way for his lieutenants to occupy most of northern India in the years that followed.
Dīn was assassinated,
according to some,
by Hindu Khokars,
according to others by Ismāʿīlīs.
See also Delhi sultanate.
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