Moulin, Jean

Moulin, Jean

French resistance leader

born June 20, 1899, Béziers, Fr.
died July 8, 1943, Metz, Ger. [now in France]

      French civil servant and hero of the Résistance during World War II.

      After studying law at Montpellier, Moulin entered the civil service. In 1930 he became the youngest subprefect (in charge of an arrondissement) and in 1937 the youngest prefect (of the Eure-et-Loir département) in all of France. When the Germans occupied his département in 1940, he refused to sign a document describing atrocities alleged to have been committed by the French army and tried to commit suicide.

      After being removed from his prefecture, he joined the Résistance and escaped to England. He returned to France in January 1942 as General Charles de Gaulle's delegate general for the unoccupied zone. He played a leading part in the organization of the Maquis (French guerrillas who fought the Germans) and in the development of the National Council of the Résistance, which coordinated all the noncommunist resistance groups in France and secured their loyalty to de Gaulle's Free French movement. Moulin became the first chairman of this council in May 1943. His organizational abilities and political skills made him a legendary figure. In June 1943, however, the Gestapo arrested him at Caluire, near Lyon. Tortured in one prison after another, he died in a train taking him to Germany.

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Universalium. 2010.

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