

      town and Mediterranean port, northern Algeria, on the Gulf of Arzew. Known as Murustuge in the 11th century, it contains Bordj el-Mehal (the old citadel), attributed to the 11th-century Almoravid emir Yūsuf ibn Tāshufīn. Captured in 1516 by the sea rover Khayr ad-Dīn (Barbarossa), the town passed to his brother, enjoyed great commercial prosperity, and then declined. It was garrisoned by the French in 1833.

      The town is divided by the ravine of the Wadi Aïn Sefra, with the modern quarter on the left bank and the compact Muslim sector of Tidgit on the right. The port area and bathing beaches at La Salamandre and Les Sablettes are to the southwest. Industries include sugar refining and paper-pulp processing. Wine, fruit, vegetables, and diatomite are exported. The surrounding region is noted for its cereals (wheat, barley), citrus fruits, grapes, and cotton. Pop. (1998 prelim.) 124,399.

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