moon worship

moon worship

      adoration or veneration of the moon, a deity in the moon, or a personification or symbol of the moon. The sacredness of the moon has been connected with the basic rhythms of life and the universe. A widespread phenomenon, appearing in various eras and cultures, moon worship has engendered a rich symbolism and mythology.

      The moon is viewed in terms of the rhythmic life of the cosmos and is believed to govern all vital change. The cyclical process of disappearance and appearance of the moon is the basis of the widespread association of the moon with the land of the dead, the place to which souls ascend after death, and the power of rebirth. The lunar governance of this cycle likewise leads to association of the moon and fate.

      The mythology of the moon emphasizes especially those periods when it disappearsthe three days of darkness in the lunar cycle and eclipses (eclipse). Both are usually interpreted as the result of battles between some monster who devours or slays the moon and who subsequently regurgitates or revives it. The interregnum is interpreted as an evil period necessitating strict taboos against beginning any new or creative period (e.g., planting or sexual intercourse). In some areas loud noises are part of a ritual activity designed to scare off the moon's assailant.

      Lunar deities, gods and goddesses who personify the moon and its cycles, are comparatively rare. In primitive hunting cultures the moon is frequently regarded as male and, particularly in regard to women, is understood as a preeminently evil or dangerous figure. In agricultural traditions the moon is usually regarded as female and is the benevolent ruler of the cyclical vegetative process.

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