Montalvo, Juan

Montalvo, Juan

Ecuadorian essayist
born April 13, 1832, Ambato, Ecuador
died January 17, 1889, Paris, France

      Ecuadorean essayist, often called one of the finest writers of Spanish American prose of the 19th century.

      After a brief period during which he served in his country's foreign service, Montalvo spent most of his life in exile, writing powerful essays attacking a succession of Ecuador's dictators. He was distinguished as a liberal thinker and a moralist and became famous for his Siete tratados (1882; “Seven Treatises”), which offered moral standards for the educated person. Montalvo's Capítulos que se le olvidaron a Cervantes (1895; “Chapters That Were Omitted by Cervantes”) was published posthumously and is considered one of the finest imitations of Miguel de Cervantes (Cervantes, Miguel de)'s famous novel, Don Quixote.

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