molar gas constant

molar gas constant

chemistry and physics
      (symbol R), fundamental physical constant arising in the formulation of the general gas law. For an ideal gas (perfect gas) (approximated by most real gases that are not highly compressed or not near the point of liquefaction), the pressure p times the volume V of the gas divided by its absolute temperature T is a constant. When one of these three is altered for a given mass of gas, at least one of the other two undergoes a change so that the expression pV/T remains constant. The constant, further, is the same for all gases, provided the mass of gas being compared is one mole, or one molecular weight in grams. For one mole, therefore, pV/T = R.

      The dimensions of the universal gas constant R are energy per degree per mole. In the metre-kilogram-second system the value of R is 8.31441 joules per Kelvin (K) per mole. Other frequently used equivalent values are 8.314 × 107 ergs per Kelvin per mole, 1.986 calories per Kelvin per mole, and 0.08207 litre-atmosphere per Kelvin per mole.

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Universalium. 2010.

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