

      isolated provincia (province) of northeastern Argentina. Misiones lies between the Alto (Upper) Paraná River and Paraguay to the west, the Iguaçu (Iguazú) River (and tributaries) and Brazil to the north, the Uruguay River (and tributaries) and Brazil to the east and southeast, and Corrientes province of Argentina to the southwest. Its area is mostly a basalt continuation of the Paraná Plateau of Brazil, lying at elevations of 650 to 2,600 feet (200 to 800 metres). The province's rough terrain is covered mostly by subtropical evergreen rainforest and is accented by canyons, rivers, and low ranges of the Victoria, Imán, and Misiones mountains. The province contains Iguazú National Park, which, with an area of 190 square miles (492 square km), includes part of Iguaçu Falls, one of the world's largest and most spectacular cataracts. The park and Iguaçu National Park, its counterpart in Brazil, were designated UNESCO World Heritage sites in 1984 and 1986, respectively.

      The region received its name from the Jesuit missions established among the Guaraní Indians there in the 17th and 18th centuries. It became an Argentine territory after years of dispute with Paraguay and Brazil and the War of the Triple Alliance (Triple Alliance, War of the) of 186470. In 1882 it received territorial status and acquired its capital, Posadas, from Corrientes province. Colonization of the land, beginning in the 1880s by assorted ethnic groups (including Poles, Ukrainians, Japanese, Brazilians, German-Brazilians, and Germans), continued into the mid-20th century. In 1953 the territory gained provincial status.

      The principal economic staple is the shrub Ilex paraguariensis, which is used to make the tealike beverage maté (Paraguayan tea); also important are lumber, tung oil, tea, and cassava (manioc). Industry, centred in Posadas, deals primarily with wood processing. The ruins of Jesuit missions and Iguaçu Falls are popular tourist attractions. Area 11,506 square miles (29,801 square km). Pop. (2001) 965,522.

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