

▪ Persian historian
also spelled  Mirkhond,  byname of  Muḥammad Ibn Khāvandshāh Ibn Maḥmūd 
born 1433, Balkh [now in Afghanistan]
died June 22, 1498, Herāt

      one of the most important Persian chroniclers of Iran under the Timurid dynasty (15th century).

      He was a member of an old family of sayyids (those who claim descent from the Prophet Muḥammad) established in Bukhara. Spending most of his life in Herāt in the court of the last Timurid sultan, Ḥusayn Bayqarah (1469–1506), Mīrkhwānd enjoyed the protection of Ḥusayn's renowned minister, ʿAlī Shīr Navāʾī (Navāʾī, ʿAlī Shīr), a celebrated patron of literature and himself a writer of great distinction. At the request of his patron, he began about 1474 his general history, Rowzat oṣ-ṣafāʾ (Eng. trans. begun as History of the Early Kings of Persia, 1832; continued as The Rauzat-us-Safa; or, Garden of Purity, 1891–94). The work is composed of seven large volumes and a geographic appendix, sometimes considered an eighth volume. The history begins with the age of the pre-Islāmic Persian kings and surveys the major Muslim rulers of Iran up to the events of 1523. The seventh volume may have been finished by Mīrkhwānd's grandson, the historian Khwāndamīr (Khondamir), and in the 19th century Rezā Qolī Khān Hedāyat wrote a supplement to the work.

      Mīrkhwānd is often criticized for his highly embellished and bombastic style and for his uncritical approach to the sources, but his history preserves sections from earlier works that have since been lost. Volumes 5 and 6 are particularly reliable, for they utilize the abundant historiographic materials of the Mongol and Timurid periods and furnish independent information on the events that are contemporary or nearly contemporary with the author's lifetime.

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Universalium. 2010.

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