Mielziner, Jo

Mielziner, Jo

American stage designer
born March 19, 1901, Paris, France
died March 15, 1976, New York, N.Y., U.S.

      American stage (stage design) designer who, in more than 360 Broadway productions from 1924, introduced several devices that became standard in 20th-century theatrical staging. One of his innovations was the transparent skeletal framework setting of Death of a Salesman (1949), which allowed separate times and places to be shown simultaneously. Mielziner's success with works as diverse as Hamlet and the musical comedy Annie Get Your Gun was due both to his unusual technical ingenuity and to his grasp of the organic function of the total stage environment.

      Mielziner studied at the National Academy of Design and the Art Students League of New York and at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts in Philadelphia. He also attended school in Paris and Vienna, then returned to the United States to study under the stage craftsmen Robert Edmond Jones and Lee Simonson, then with the Theatre Guild. He was a collaborating designer of the Lincoln Center Repertory Theatre in New York City and the Los Angeles Music Center. He designed the setting in which Michelangelo'sPietàwas exhibited in the Vatican Pavilion at the New York World's Fair (196465). After 1968 he served as chairman of the American Theater Planning Board and acted as a consultant on theatrical design.

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  • Jo Mielziner — (1901 1976) was an American theatrical scenic, costume, and lighting designer born in Paris, France. He was considered one of the most influential theatre designers of the 20th century, designing the scenery and often the lighting for over 200… …   Wikipedia

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  • Jo Mielziner — Nacimiento 19 de marzo de 1901 París,  Francia Fallecimiento 15 de marzo de 1976 (74 años) Nueva York …   Wikipedia Español

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