Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word

      word-processor (word processor) software launched in 1983 by the Microsoft Corporation. Software developers Richard Brodie and Charles Simonyi joined the Microsoft team in 1981, and in 1983 they released Multi-Tool Word for computers (computer) that ran a version of the UNIX operating system (OS). Later that year, the program was rewritten to run on personal computers (personal computer) (PCs), such as the IBM (International Business Machines Corporation) PC, under Microsoft's version of DOS (disk operating system), or MS-DOS, and was renamed Microsoft Word. The product was in direct competition with WordPerfect and WordStar, both of which were introduced for PCs in 1982.

      Like WordStar, Word was WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get), meaning that formatting tags were hidden and whatever a document looked like on a user's computer screen was how it would look when printedor at least semi-WYSIWYG, as screen fonts were not of the same quality as printer fonts. Microsoft's program was the first to make extensive use of the computer mouse, to display styles on-screen (italic, bold, and underlined text), and to feature style sheets and multiple windows (i.e., separate work spaces for editing multiple documents). Version 2.0, released in 1985, included spell-check and word-count options; subsequent versions included significant upgrades and improvements. In 1989 Microsoft released the first version of Word for the Windows OS, two years ahead of WordPerfect for Windows.

      To effectively compete with WordPerfect, Microsoft Word needed a standard interface across multiple platforms. In 1985 Microsoft released Macintosh Word 1.0, and its early Macintosh versions were adapted directly from Microsoft Word for DOS. To combat the ensuing glitches and incompatibility concerns, Microsoft began to develop original code for the Word for Macintosh software in the 1990s. In 2003 both the Windows and Macintosh versions were renamed Microsoft Office Word to align with the Microsoft Office suite, which is built around Word, Excel (a spreadsheet program), and PowerPoint (Microsoft PowerPoint) (a visual presentation program).

      Throughout the 1980s WordPerfect ranked as the most popular word-processing software on PCs, but since the 1990s Microsoft Word has become the leading word processor for both Windows and Macintosh users.

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Universalium. 2010.

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