Michael I Rhangabe

Michael I Rhangabe

▪ Byzantine emperor
died Jan. 11, 844

      Byzantine emperor from 811 to 813.

      The son-in-law of the emperor Nicephorus I, Michael was proclaimed emperor by a coup d'etat, despite the claims of Nicephorus's son Stauracius, who had been mortally wounded in Bulgaria. Under the influence of the abbot and theologian Theodore Studites (Theodore Studites, Saint), Michael supported the proponents of the use of religious images, or icons. He recognized Charlemagne's title of emperor (Western, Holy Roman) in return for the cession to Byzantium of Venice and other cities on the Adriatic. He also ended Nicephorus's policies of fiscal austerity.

      When in 812 Krum, the Bulgarian khan, captured the Byzantine city of Develtus and transported its inhabitants to Bulgaria, Michael was unable to deal with the Bulgarians immediately because of an Iconoclast conspiracy that aimed to replace him with a son of the former emperor Constantine V. After Michael had suppressed the insurrection, however, Krum offered to conclude peace, but the terms offered seemed unacceptable to Theodore Studites, and on his advice Michael declined the proposal. Krum then renewed hostilities, capturing the city of Mesembria in November 812.

      The following year Michael defeated the Bulgarians in several engagements, but on June 22, 813, he lost the Battle of Versinikia near Adrianople, as a result of the desertion of the troops of one of his generals, Leo the Armenian. Leo then deposed Michael and himself ascended the throne as Leo V. Michael retired to a monastery on one of the Princes Islands. His sons were castrated by Leo to render them unfit to succeed to the imperial throne. One of them, Nicetas, later became patriarch of Constantinople under the name of Ignatius.

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