Metge, Bernat

Metge, Bernat

Spanish poet
also called  Bernardo Metge  
born 1350, Barcelona, Catalonia [now in Spain]
died 1413, Barcelona

      poet and prose writer whose masterpiece, Lo Somni (1398; “The Dream”), initiated a classical trend in Catalan literature.

      Educated in medicine, Metge entered (1376) the royal household of Peter IV of Aragon and Catalonia to serve as secretary-mentor to Prince John (later King John I). He was arrested for obscure reasons in 1381, and while in prison he translated Valter y Griselda, Boccaccio's story of Griselda, from Petrarch's Latin version and wrote Libre de Fortuna y Prudencia (1381; “The Book of Fortune and Prudence”), which is more a philosophical treatise than a poetic work.

      When John I became king (1387), Metge returned to royal service, as secretary-procurator for John and his wife, Violante (by whom Metge had an illegitimate son). The victim of court intrigues, the poet was again imprisoned in 1388 and 1396. On the latter occasion he composed Lo Somni, a series of four prose dialogues in which he reflects on human frailties and ill-fated love. Part of Lo Somni takes place in a dreamlike setting inhabited by John I, the legendary poet and musician Orpheus, and the blind Theban seer Tiresias. Combining scholastic enquiry with poetic imagination, Metge in Lo Somni ponders the immortality of the soul versus natural death and discusses the ethical conduct of women. In this work Metge achieved a stylistic masterpiece of Catalan prose that was emulated by Catalan writers for centuries.

      Although restored to royal favour in 1403 as secretary to King Martin of Aragon, Metge faded from the public view after 1410.

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