Messalla Corvinus, Marcus Valerius

Messalla Corvinus, Marcus Valerius

Roman aristocrat
born c. 64 BC
died AD 13

      Roman aristocrat, public servant, orator, and patron of literature.

      Messalla was proscribed by the Second Triumvirate in 43, but he escaped to the camp of Brutus and Cassius and after their defeat at Philippi (42) went over to Mark Antony. Later he joined Octavian and campaigned for him against Sextus Pompeius (36), the Illyrians (3534), and the Alpine Salassi (3433). Elected consul with Octavian, in place of Antony, for 31, he fought against Antony in the Battle of Actium (Actium, Battle of). Messalla conquered Aquitania (in modern southwestern France) as proconsul (for which he celebrated a triumph in 27) and later held eastern commands. Becoming curator aquarum (superintendent of aqueducts) in 11, he restored the Via Latina between Tusculum and Alba and reconstructed several buildings. In 2 BC he proposed that Augustus be formally granted the titlefather of his country” (pater patriae).

      As a literary patron Messalla was second only to Maecenas. His literary circle included the poets Albius Tibullus, Ovid (as a young man), Lygdamus, and Sulpicia (his niece). Messalla's own works are lost. His memoirs of the civil wars after the death of Caesar were used by Suetonius and Plutarch. He also wrote pastoral poems in Greek, translations of Greek speeches, occasional satirical and love poems, and essays on grammar. As an orator he followed Cicero instead of the Atticizing school, but his style was affected. Late in life he (or possibly his relative Messalla Rufus) wrote a work on the great Roman families.

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