Melo, Francisco Manuel de

Melo, Francisco Manuel de

Portuguese author
born Nov. 23, 1608, Lisbon, Port.
died Oct. 13, 1666, Alcântara, near Lisbon

      Portuguese soldier, diplomat, and courtier who won fame as a poet, moralist, historian, and literary critic in both the Spanish and Portuguese languages.

      Born of aristocratic parents, he studied classics and mathematics at the Jesuit College of Santa Antão and chose a military career. Since Portugal was then under Spanish rule, he spent some time at the brilliant court of Madrid, where he formed a friendship with the satirist Quevedo y Villegas, the foremost Hispanic literary figure of the day. At the outbreak of the Catalan rebellion he was chief of staff to the commander of the royal forces, out of which experience came his classic history of the origin and first year of the war, Historia de la Guerra de Cataluña (1645; “History of the Catalan War”). When Portugal declared its independence from Spain, Melo offered his services to the new Portuguese monarch, John IV, and traveled to Holland to equip a fleet for Portugal, which he brought safely to Lisbon in October 1641. For reasons still obscure he was arrested on Nov. 19, 1644, and was in prison or under police supervision for 11 years. In 1655 his sentence was commuted to exile in Brazil, where he remained for three years, writing and restoring his fortunes by participation in the sugar trade.

      During his imprisonment, he wrote constantly; he finished his history of the Catalan war and published some verse in 1649 and a popular, much-reprinted discourse on marriage, Carta de Guia de Casados (1650; The Government of a Wife). He himself never married. He edited 500 letters, most of which are a record of his experiences and thoughts in prison. They were published as Cartas Familiares (1664; “Personal Letters”). Many are addressed to Quevedo. In 1665 he published his Obras Métricas (“Poetic Works”), which includes Spanish verse betraying the Baroque conceits and Latinisms conventional in the period, and Portuguese sonnets and verse epistles that are notable for their power, sincerity, and perfection of form.

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