

also spelled  Masovia , Polish  Mazowsze 

      lowland territory in east-central Poland, located west of Podlasia in the basin of the middle Vistula and lower Bug rivers. Mazovia included the Płock-Ciechanów region (to which the name Mazovia originally referred) as well as the regions of Sochaczew, Grójec (formerly Grodziec), and Czersk. It was incorporated into the Polish state in the first half of the 10th century. After 1138, when Bolesław III the Wry-Mouthed (ruled Poland 110238) divided his realm among his sons, it became one of the major principalities within the disintegrating Polish kingdom and developed a distinctive social structure characterized by a large, if not wealthy, gentry class (which constituted 25 percent of the population in the 16th century). During the 13th and 14th centuries, however, Mazovia was subdivided; the region did not become completely reincorporated into the reunified Polish state until after all its princely houses (which were descended from Ziemowit I, a great-grandson of Bolesław III and the ruler of Mazovia from 1248 to 1262) became extinct in 1526. Mazovia grew in importance after Warsaw became the capital of Poland in 1611.

      When Poland was partitioned late in the 18th century, Mazovia became part of Prussia; but it was transferred to the Duchy of Warsaw (1807), created during the Napoleonic Wars, and then incorporated into Russian Poland (1815), where it remained until Poland was restored in 1918. Most of Mazovia then became part of the province (województwo) of Warsaw; after 1945 it was divided first between the provinces of Warsaw and Białystok and subsequently among several smaller provinces.

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Universalium. 2010.

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