Mayer, Johann Tobias

Mayer, Johann Tobias

German astronomer
born Feb. 17, 1723, Marbach, Württemberg
died Feb. 20, 1762, Göttingen

      German astronomer who developed lunar tables that greatly assisted navigators in determining longitude at sea. Mayer also discovered the libration (or apparent wobbling) of the Moon.

      A self-taught mathematician, Mayer had already published two original geometrical works when, in 1746, he entered the employ of a cartographic establishment in Nürnberg. Mayer published his calculations of the Moon's libration and equatorial inclination in the transactions of the Nürnberg Cosmographic Society, thereby gaining a scientific reputation that led to his appointment to the chair of economy and mathematics at the University of Göttingen in 1751. He became superintendent of the university observatory in 1754.

      Mayer began calculating lunar and solar tables in 1753. Two years later he submitted to the British government an amended body of tables, which were found to be sufficiently accurate to determine longitude at sea within about half a degree. A London edition of the tables (1770) also contained Mayer's method of determining longitude by lunar distances (the angular separation between the Moon and another celestial object), as well as a formula for correcting errors in longitude caused by atmospheric refraction.

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