

emperor of Rome
original name  Gaius Julius Verus Maximinus , also called  Maximin  or  Maximinus Thrax (“The Thracian”) 
born c. 173, Thrace [modern Bulgaria and portions of Turkey]
died 238, near Aquileia [now in Italy]
 first soldier who rose through the ranks to become Roman emperor (235238). His reign marked the beginning of a half century of civil war in the empire. Originally from Thrace, he is said to have been a shepherd before enlisting in the army. There his immense strength attracted the attention of Septimius Severus (Severus, Septimius) (emperor 193211).

      Under Severus Alexander (emperor 222235), Maximinus held high command in the Army of the Rhine, and, when Severus was murdered, he was proclaimed emperor by the Rhine army. Maximinus spent most of his reign fighting invading tribes along the Danube and the Rhine. The numerous milestones displaying his name attest to his energetic reconstructions of the roads in these regions.

      In 238 a group of landowners in Africa, discontented with imperial taxation, rebelled, killed their tax collectors, and proclaimed the aged Gordian (Gordian I) emperor. The revolt was soon suppressed by the governor of Numidia. The Roman Senate, however, had used the revolt as an excuse to depose Maximinus and recognize Gordian, and they responded to Gordian's defeat and death by proclaiming two new emperors, Pupienus (Pupienus Maximus) and Balbinus. The army insisted that these two aged senators accept the nomination of Gordian's grandson, Gordian III. Maximinus had descended into Italy to halt the revolt, but his army was delayed by stubborn resistance at Aquileia. The army lost confidence in him and murdered him and his son in spring 238. The troops in Rome killed Pupienus and Balbinus and declared Gordian III Maximinus's successor.

      To the modern historian, Maximinus's reign appears as the beginning of a half century of crisis and chaos. At the time, however, he must have seemed an anomaly who briefly interrupted the military monarchy founded by Septimius Severus.

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