Māwardī, al-

Māwardī, al-

Muslim jurist
died 1058, Baghdad

      Muslim jurist who played an important role in formulating orthodox political theory as to the nature of the authority of the caliph.

      As a young man al-Māwardī entered the service of the caliph and soon came to be entrusted with the conduct of important negotiations with neighbouring princes. When the Būyid (Būyid Dynasty) emirs, who since 946 had subjected the caliphs of Baghdad to their temporal authority, were weakened by internal dissensions and military revolts, the moment seemed ripe for an attempt to reassert caliphal authority, and al-Māwardī was commissioned to write an exposition of the prerogatives of the caliph sanctioned by religious law. His Ordinances of Government became an influential statement of Muslim political theory. Although it is essentially theoretical (as a design for the restoration of the Sunnite caliphate), the work was not, as some scholars have suggested, an abstract description of caliphal authority; it did, however, adjust the orthodox ideal of caliphal power to the realities of the time, treating such subjects as the rights, duties, and preferred characteristics of the caliph.

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Universalium. 2010.

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