Massys, Quentin

Massys, Quentin

Flemish artist
Massys also spelled  Matsys , Metsys , or  Messys 
born c. 1465/66, Leuven, Brabant [now in Belgium]
died 1530, Antwerp
 Flemish artist, the first important painter of the Antwerp school.

      Trained as a blacksmith in his native Leuven, Massys is said to have studied painting after falling in love with an artist's daughter. In 1491 he went to Antwerp and was admitted into the painters' guild.

 Among Massys' early works are two pictures of the Virgin and Child. His most celebrated paintings are two large triptych altarpieces, “The Holy Kinship,” orSt. Anne Altarpiece,” ordered for the Church of Saint-Pieter in Leuven (150709), andThe Entombment of the Lord” (c. 150811), both of which exhibit strong religious feeling and precision of detail. His tendency to accentuate individual expression is demonstrated in such pictures asThe Old Man and the CourtesanandThe Money Changer and His Wife” (see photograph—>). “Christus Salvator MundiandThe Virgin in Prayerdisplay serene dignity. Pictures with figures on a smaller scale are a polyptych, the scattered parts of which have been reassembled, and a laterVirgin and Child.” His landscape backgrounds are in the style of one of his contemporaries, the Flemish artist Joachim Patinir; the landscape depicted in Massys' “The Crucifixionis believed to be the work of Patinir. Massys painted many notable portraits, including one of his friend Erasmus.

      Although his portraiture is more subjective and personal than that of Albrecht Dürer or Hans Holbein, Massys' painting may have been influenced by both German masters. Massys' lostSt. Jerome in His Study,” of which a copy survives in Vienna, is indebted to Dürer'sSt. Jerome,” now in Lisbon. Some Italian influence may also be detected, as inVirgin and Child” (Nationalmuseum, Poznań, Pol.), in which the figures are obviously copied from Leonardo da Vinci'sVirgin of the Rocks” (Louvre).

      Massys' two sons were artists. Jan (150975), who became a master in the guild of Antwerp in 1531, was banished in 1543 for his heretical opinions, spent 15 years in Italy or France, and returned to Antwerp in 1558. His early pictures were imitations of his father's work, but a half-lengthJudith with the Head of Holofernesof a later date, now in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, shows Italian or French influence, as doesLot and His Daughters” (1563; Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna). Cornelis Massys (151379), Quentin's second son, became a master painter in 1531, painting landscapes in his father's style and also executing engravings.

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  • Massys, Quentin — • A painter, born at Louvain in 1466; died at Antwerp in 1530 (bet. 13 July and 16 September), and not in 1529, as his epitaph states (it dates from the seventeenth century) Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Massys, Quentin — VER Metsys, Quentin …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Massys, Quentin — (1466 1530)    Flemish painter. Born and trained at Louvain, he travelled to Italy to study the works of art about which he had heard and came back with increased skill in the technique of perspective but otherwise did not fundamentally change… …   Historical Dictionary of Renaissance

  • Massys — Massys, Quentin …   Enciclopedia Universal

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  • Quentin Massys —     Quentin Massys     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Quentin Massys     (MESSYS, METZYS)     A painter, born at Louvain in 1466; died at Antwerp in 1530 (bet. 13 July and 16 September), and not in 1529, as his epitaph states (it dates from the… …   Catholic encyclopedia

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  • Quentin Massys — nach einem Porträt von Joachim von Sandrart Quentin Massys (als Vorname ist auch Quinten oder Kwinten, als Nachname Massijs, Matsijs, Matsys oder Metsys überliefert) (* ca. 1466 in Löwen; † 1530 in Antwerpen) war ein flämischer Maler und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Quentin Massys — Quentin Metsys Pour les articles homonymes, voir Metsys. Quentin Metsys Naissance 1466 Louvain (Belgique) Décès 14 septembre 1530 Anvers Nationalité …   Wikipédia en Français

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