Marwān I ibn al-Hakam

Marwān I ibn al-Hakam

Umayyad caliph

born 623
died 685

      first of the Marwānid caliphs of the Umayyad dynasty (reigned 684685).

      A governor of Medina and the Hejaz under the caliph Muʿāwiya I, where he showed unusual vigour, Marwān I was an old man in poor health when he ascended the throne himself in 684. He died of illness less than a year later. His short reign was a period of continuous battle between various factions for the caliphate. Marwān I was able to arrange the succession of his son ʿAbd al-Malik by eliminating all other contenders for the caliphate. He strengthened the foundations of the Umayyad house and concentrated more power in the hands of the caliph.

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