Martini, Giovanni Battista
- Martini, Giovanni Battista
▪ Italian composer
born April 24, 1706, Bologna, Papal States
died Aug. 3, 1784, Bologna
Italian composer, music theorist, and music historian who was internationally renowned as a teacher.
Martini was educated by his father,
a violinist;
by Luc'
Antonio Predieri (
and by Antonio Riccieri (
He was ordained in 1729,
after becoming chapelmaster of San Francesco in Bologna in 1725.
He opened a school of music,
and his fame as a teacher made Bologna a place of pilgrimage.
Among his pupils were J.
Christoph Gluck,
Niccolò Jommelli,
and André Grétry;
among his correspondents were the leading men of letters of his time,
including Martin Agricola,
Pietro Metastasio,
Johann Quantz,
and Jean-
Philippe Rameau.
Martini was a zealous collector of musical literature; his library, estimated at 17,000 volumes by the 18th-century music historian Charles Burney, became the basis for the Civic Museum and Music Library in Bologna. He was a prolific composer of sacred and secular music. His works include the Litaniae (1734), 12 Sonate d'intavolatura (1742), 6 Sonate per l'organo ed il cembalo (1747), Duetti da camera (1763), and masses and oratorios. His most important literary works are the Storia della musica (1757–81; incomplete) and the two-volume Saggio di contrappunto (1774–75).
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