Martin, Henri

Martin, Henri

French historian
born Feb. 20, 1810, Saint-Quentin, Fr.
died Dec. 14, 1883, Paris

      author of a famous history of France that included excerpts from the chief chroniclers and historians, with original expository passages filling the gaps.

      The Histoire de France, 15 vol. (183336), rewritten and further elaborated (fourth ed., 16 vol. and index, 186165), won Martin the first prize of the Académie Française in 1856, and in 1869 the grand biennial prize of 20,000 francs. A popular abridgment in seven volumes was published in 1867. This work, together with the continuation, Histoire de France depuis 1789 jusqu'à nos jours, 6 vol. (187883; “History of France from 1789 to Our Time”), gives a complete history of France and superseded earlier such works. Martin was a staunch republican and sat in the National Assembly as deputy for Aisne in 1871, but he left no mark as a politician.

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Universalium. 2010.

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