Martin, Frank

Martin, Frank

Swiss composer
born Sept. 15, 1890, Geneva, Switz.
died Nov. 21, 1974, Naarden, Neth.

      one of the foremost Swiss composers of the 20th century.

      In the middle and late 1920s Martin was associated with Émile Jaques-Dalcroze (Jaques-Dalcroze, Émile), the originator of the eurythmics method of music education. Martin was president of the Swiss Musicians' Union from 1943 to 1946, and in the latter year he settled in The Netherlands. Active as a teacher and lecturer, he was also a pianist and harpsichordist and toured widely, performing his own music. Martin evolved a strong personal style that incorporated elements of German music, particularly that of Johann Sebastian Bach, and the expanded harmonies associated with early 20th-century French composers. In the 1930s he employed the 12-tone (12-tone music) method in several works, including the oratorio Le Vin herbé (performed 1942). His other major works include the opera Der Sturm (1956; “The Tempest”), the oratorio Golgotha (1949), and Requiem (1973). He also produced a large quantity of instrumental music, including orchestral works and chamber music. Perhaps his best-known work is Petite symphonie concertante (1946).

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