Mars Global Surveyor

Mars Global Surveyor

 robotic U.S. spacecraft launched to the planet Mars to carry out long-term study from orbit of the entire surface, the atmosphere, and aspects of the interior. High-resolution images returned from the spacecraft indicated that liquid water may have existed on or near the planet's surface in geologically recent times and may still exist in protected areas.

      Mars Global Surveyor was launched on November 7, 1996. Weighing just over a ton, it carried a high-resolution camera to make both wide-angle and detailed images of the Martian surface, a thermal emission spectrometer to measure heat emission related to atmospheric phenomena and surface mineral composition, a laser altimeter to map the height of the planet's surface features, and instruments to examine Mars's magnetic properties and help determine its precise shape. It also carried equipment for use in relaying signals to Earth from future Mars lander craft.

 After a 10-month journey, Mars Global Surveyor took up a highly elliptical orbit above Mars on September 12, 1997. It employed a technique known as aerobrakingusing the drag of the Martian upper atmosphere on the spacecraft to slow it down graduallyto achieve a final 400-km (250-mile) circular polar orbit in which it circled Mars 12 times a day. This orbital configuration allowed the spacecraft to collect data from the entire Martian surface once about every seven days as Mars rotated beneath it. Problems with one of the spacecraft's solar panels prolonged the aerobraking process, delaying the start of its primary mapping mission by more than a year, to March 1999. The spacecraft completed the primary mission in January 2001, after having observed Mars during an entire Martian year (687 Earth days), but it continued in an extended mission phase.

 In its first three years of operation, Mars Global Surveyor returned more data about Mars than all prior Mars missions combined. Close-up images of erosional features on cliffs and crater walls that resembled fresh-appearing gullies suggested the possibility of recent water seepage from levels near the surface. In addition, the mission yielded new information about the global magnetic field and interior of early Mars, allowed real-time observation of the changing weather over the Martian seasonal cycle, and revealed that Mars's moon Phobos is covered with a dust layer at least 1 metre (about 3 feet) thick, caused by millions of years of meteoroid impacts. The mission produced many spectacular images and detailed topographic maps of various features on the Martian surface. A high-resolution image of theface on Mars,” an anthropomorphic rock formation photographed from orbit by Viking 1 in 1976, showed it to be clearly of natural origin and not an artifact of an ancient civilization, as had been purported by some.

      Contact was lost with Mars Global Surveyor in November 2006. A subsequent investigation determined that the most likely cause was the failure of the spacecraft's batteries.

John M. Logsdon

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Universalium. 2010.

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