Marpurg, Friedrich Wilhelm

Marpurg, Friedrich Wilhelm

German composer
born Nov. 21, 1718, Marpurgsdorf, near Seehausen, Brandenburg
died May 22, 1795, Berlin

      German composer and writer remembered for his theoretical and critical writings on music.

      Nothing is known of his musical education. In 1746 he was secretary to a Prussian general in Paris, where he met Voltaire and the composer Jean Rameau. He later lived in Berlin and Hamburg, devoting himself to writing about music, composing, and editing from 1749 to 1763; from 1763 to 1795 he worked for the Prussian state lottery, serving as director from 1766. Particularly important among his works are the Historisch-kritische Beyträge (175458) and his introductions to different branches of music, notably the fugue in Abhandlung von der Fuge (175354). These works are valuable to students of 18th-century music history, theory, and practice. Significant as well is his eventual endorsement of instrumental music after his initial disregard for it; in this, he proved emblematic of his time. His compositions include 6 Sonaten für das Cembalo (1756) and Fughe e caprice (1777).

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