Mariana, Juan de

Mariana, Juan de

Spanish historian
born April 1536, Talavera de la Reina, Spain
died Feb. 16, 1624, Toledo
 historian, author of Historiae de rebus Hispaniae (1592), a history of Spain from its earliest times.

      After studying in Alcalá, Mariana entered the Jesuit order and was ordained in 1561. For the next 14 years he taught theology in Rome, Sicily, and Paris, where his expositions of the writings of Thomas Aquinas attracted large audiences. Returning to Spain in 1574, he spent the rest of his life in Toledo, studying and writing.

      A man of liberal mind, Mariana disturbed his superiors with his defense of the heretic Arioso Montano and with his De rege et regis institutione (1598; The King and the Education of the King, 1948), a treatise on government that argued that the overthrow of a tyrant was justifiable under certain conditions. With the assassination of Henry IV of France in 1610, there was an outcry in France against Mariana for supposedly having instigated this tyrannicide. His Tractatus VII (1609), a series of seven treatises on political and moral subjects, including a defense of the heretic Arias Montano, was published in Cologne but banned by the Inquisition, and Mariana was imprisoned for a year and forced to do penance. Although he remained a Jesuit throughout his life, his criticism of the order, Discurso de los grandes defectos que hay en la forma del Gobierno de los Jesuitas (1625), severely censured the Jesuits for many injustices and inequities.

      The first edition of Historiae de rebus Hispaniae was published in Latin in 1592; Mariana appended several supplements during his lifetime and recast the work into Spanish, the first Spanish edition (Historia general de España) appearing in 1601. Further editions, updated by various authors, were published as late as 1841; one of these was translated into English as The General History of Spain (1699). It is less a great history than a work of art, combining history, anecdote, and legend in a fluid and readable prose that makes it a work of sustained interest.

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