Mangas Coloradas

Mangas Coloradas

Apache chief

born c. 1795, [probably in what is now southern New Mexico, U.S.]
died January 1863, Fort McLane, N.M.

      Mimbreño Apache chief noted for uniting the Apache nation.

      Mangas Coloradas, an unusually tall and striking man, became chief of the Mimbreño in 1837, after his predecessortogether with a number of Mimbreño men, women, and childrenhad been betrayed and murdered by a group of trappers for the Mexican bounty on their scalps. Mangas Coloradas and his warriors avenged the treachery by slaughtering trapping parties, attacking supply trains to the region, and starving the citizens of Santa Rita, killing the remainder on their attempted escape. The area was for a time cleared of its white and Mexican inhabitants. When the Mexican-American War was declared, Mangas offered Apache aid to the American troops, but his offer was refused.

      In 1848, when gold was discovered in California, the Apache were threatened by the incursions of heedless white fortune-seekers. In an incident at a mining camp, Mangas Coloradas was whipped, an act that resulted in his lasting enmity against white men. Though his son-in-law Cochise had long resisted fighting Americans, in 1861 he too was betrayed by white men and turned against them, and together Mangas Coloradas and Cochise depopulated southern New Mexico and Arizona. Wounded in battle in 1862, Mangas Coloradas eventually recovered. He was captured in January 1863 and killed allegedly while trying to escape.

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Universalium. 2010.

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