Malik, Adam

Malik, Adam

Indonesian statesman and president of UN
born July 22, 1917, Pematangsiantar, North Sumatra, Dutch East Indies [now Indonesia]
died Sept. 5, 1984, Jakarta, Indon.

      Indonesian statesman and nationalist political leader.

      Malik was jailed by the Dutch in the 1930s for being a member of the nationalist group that sought independence for the Dutch East Indies. In 1937 he founded the Indonesian news agency Antara, which originally served as an organ of the nationalist press. During World War II he was active in the Indonesian youth movement. In 1945 he was involved with the abduction of the Indonesian leaders Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta (Hatta, Mohammad) in order toforcethem to declare independence rather than receiving it as a gift from the Japanese, and in 1946 he was involved with the kidnapping of Sutan Sjahrir (Sjahrir, Sutan) in order to protest a negotiated settlement with the Dutch.

      After the Indonesian revolution ended in 1949, Malik served in various posts of the Sukarno government, including ambassador to the Soviet Union and to Poland. In 1962 he was the chief Indonesian delegate to the Washington, D.C., negotiations on West Irian (Irian Jaya), which laid the groundwork for Indonesia eventually securing this territory.

      As foreign minister (196677) of the Suharto government, Malik was the architect of the new Indonesian foreign policy that restored relations with Malaysia, the Philippines, and China and regained the seat lost when Sukarno took Indonesia out of the UN in 1965. Malik also was able to obtain a 30-year extension on the $3 billion debt to creditor nations accumulated during the Sukarno years. As president of the United Nations 26th General Assembly (197172), Malik presided over the admission of the People's Republic of China to the UN. Later he served as vice president of Indonesia (197883).

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Universalium. 2010.

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