

      town, southeastern Uruguay. It lies near the Atlantic coast, 67 miles (107 km) east of Montevideo, and just northwest of the resort city of Punta del Este. Founded in 1757, it was sacked by British forces in 1806, but many colonial buildings and ruins of Spanish fortifications remain. Especially noteworthy are the watchtower (El Vigía), fortifications on Gorriti Island (an island that shelters Maldonado's port), the parish church, and the Mazzoni Museum. Grains and wool are the principal trade commodities; the main industry is seal fishing at Lobos Island, a few miles south-southeast. Maldonado has a forestry school. Palm trees, maritime pines, and eucalyptus grow along Maldonado's shoreline. Tuna, black sea bass, mackerel, and anchovies are harvested from the Atlantic Ocean. Maldonado is linked by rail and highway to Montevideo, and the area is served by a regional international airport. Pop. (2004) 54,603.

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