

South American people
      any of several South American Indian societies who traditionally hunted, gathered wild plant foods, and fished in the basins of the Río Negro and the Vaupés River in Colombia. The Makú comprised small bands of forest nomads. The present-day Makú are remnants of an aboriginal population who were killed or assimilated by expanding Arawak, Carib, and Tucano tribes. The Makú language is not related to others, and the several groups speak quite different dialects. It is estimated that they numbered about 2,000, but they are now on the verge of extinction.

      Little is known of Makú culture. As nomadic hunters, gatherers, and fishermen, they use bows and arrows, blowguns, stone axes, and clubs. Some have recently adopted farming and live in sedentary villages.

      In the Brazilian Guiana Highlands, the Makú of the Uraricoera River basin speak an isolated language. They obtain European products through trade with other Indians.

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