Maillart, Robert

Maillart, Robert

Swiss engineer
born Feb. 6, 1872, Bern, Switz.
died April 5, 1940, Geneva

      Swiss bridge engineer whose radical use of reinforced concrete revolutionized masonry arch bridge design.

      After studying at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Zürich, where he received a degree in structural engineering in 1894, Maillart worked for several private engineering firms, collaborating for a time with the French engineer François Hennebique (Hennebique, François) before organizing his own independent practice. In 1901 he built his first bridge, at Zuoz, Switz., over the Inn, an arch whose slenderness and flatness astonished the public and other engineers. Maillart's system was based on an integration of arch, roadway, and stiffening girder into a single monolithic structure, resulting in great aesthetic appeal and large economic savings. For the next 40 years he continued to embellish the Swiss Alps with a variety of graceful arches, of which perhaps the most famous is the curving Schwandbach Bridge, at Schwarzenburg, which has been described asa work of art in modern engineering.”

      Maillart also built many other structures, including a number of factories and warehouses in Russia between 1912 and 1919. The Russian Revolution temporarily ruined him financially, but he returned to Switzerland to resume his career.

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