Maglemosian industry

Maglemosian industry

prehistoric culture
      a tool culture of northern Europe dating from the postglacial period, approximately 9000 to 5000 BC. The Maglemosian industry was named after the bog (magle mose,big bog,” in Danish) at Mullerup, Den., where evidence of the industry was first recognized. The industry was created by a Mesolithic (Middle Stone Age) forest people, who settled along rivers and lakes left behind as the glaciers of the last Ice Age retreated; because their dwellings were generally at the edge of water, many products of the industry made of organic substances that ordinarily would not have survived have been preserved in waterlogged deposits. Thus more is known about the Maglemosian industry than about other tool industries of the same period. Stone microliths (tiny stone blades, edges, and points) used as arrowheads or set into the cutting edges of mattocks, axes, and adzes are common, and many bone and wood tools are known as well: bows and arrows, antler and bone spearheads, bone fishhooks, wooden paddles, and even a dugout canoe. Bark twine fishnets and bark floats have also been preserved. At its height, the Maglemosian industry was also a highly artistic one, decorative designs being found both on tools and on decorative objects, such as pendants and amulets of bone, horn, and amber.

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Universalium. 2010.

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