Magendie, François

Magendie, François

French physiologist
born Oct. 6, 1783, Bordeaux, Fr.
died Oct. 7, 1855, Sannois
 French experimental physiologist who was the first to prove the functional difference of the spinal nerves. His pioneer studies of the effects of drugs on various parts of the body led to the scientific introduction into medical practice of such compounds as strychnine and morphine. In 1822 he confirmed and elaborated the observation by the Scottish anatomist Sir Charles Bell (1811) that the anterior roots of the spinal nerves (spinal nerve) are motor in function, while the posterior roots serve to communicate sensory impulses.

      Appointed professor of medicine at the Collège de France, Paris (1831), Magendie was one of the first to observe anaphylaxis (an exaggerated reaction by an animal to the injection into its blood of a foreign protein) when he found (1839) that rabbits able to tolerate a single injection of egg albumin often died following a second injection. Founder of the first periodical of experimental physiology, Journal de Physiologie Expérimentale (1821), Magendie greatly influenced the intellectual development of the renowned French physiologist Claude Bernard (Bernard, Claude), one of his students (184143). Magendie was elected to the French Academy of Sciences in 1821 and served as its president in 1837.

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