Maffei, Francesco Scipione, Marchese di

Maffei, Francesco Scipione, Marchese di

Italian dramatist
(marquess of)
born June 1, 1675, Verona, republic of Venice [now in Italy]
died Feb. 11, 1755, Verona

      Italian dramatist, archaeologist, and scholar who, in his verse tragedy Merope, attempted to introduce Greek and French classical simplicity into Italian drama and thus prepared the way for the dramatic tragedies of Vittorio Alfieri and the librettos of Pietro Metastasio later in the 18th century.

      Maffei studied at Jesuit colleges in Parma and Rome and then fought in the War of the Spanish Succession. In 1710 he was one of the founders of an influential literary journal, Giornale dei letterati, a vehicle for his ideas about reforming Italian drama, as was Maffei's later periodical, Osservazioni letterarie (173740). Maffei's verse tragedy Merope (performed and published 1713; modern ed., 1911) met with astonishing success and, because it was based on Greek mythology and the drama of Euripides and the French Neoclassical period, pointed the way for the later reform of Italian tragedy.

      Maffei also wrote a number of scholarly works, librettos, occasional verse, translations of the Iliad and the Aeneid, and many plays (collected in Teatro italiano, 1723). His only other major work, however, aside from Merope, is a valuable account of the history and antiquities of his native city: Verona illustrata, 4 vol. (173132; A Compleat History of the Ancient Amphitheatres and in particular that of Verona).

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Universalium. 2010.

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