Madách, Imre

Madách, Imre

Hungarian poet
born , Jan. 21, 1823, Alsósztregova, Hung.
died Oct. 5, 1864, Alsósztregova

      Hungarian poet whose reputation rests on his ambitious poetic drama Az ember tragediája (1861; The Tragedy of Man). He is often considered to be Hungary's greatest philosophical poet.

      Madách possessed keen and varied interests; he was successively a lawyer, a public servant, and a member of the Hungarian parliament (from 1861). His masterpiece, Az ember tragediája, is a Faust-like drama in 15 acts covering the past and future of humankind. The central characters, Adam and Eve, appear throughout the play in the guise of famous historical personalities. They act out humanity's tragic destiny in their constant struggle with Lucifer. Their struggle, though not necessarily victorious, is their salvation. The distinct and consistent characterization of Adam is the play's unifying force. Though the drama was intended for reading, its production at the Budapest National Theatre in 1883 was the first of many successful performances.

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