Lysenko, Trofim Denisovich

Lysenko, Trofim Denisovich

Soviet biologist and agronomist

born 1898, Karlovka, Ukraine, Russian Empire
died Nov. 20, 1976, Kiev, Ukrainian S.S.R.
 Soviet biologist and agronomist, the controversialdictatorof Communistic biology during Stalin's regime. He rejected orthodox genetics in favour ofMichurinism” (named for the Russian horticulturist I.V. Michurin (Michurin, Ivan Vladimirovich)), which was begun by an uneducated plant breeder fashioning explanations for his hybrid creations. After Michurin's death in 1935, Lysenko led the movement and transformed it into an assault on orthodox genetics.

      Lysenko was graduated from the Uman School of Horticulture in 1921 and was stationed at the Belaya Tserkov Selection Station in the same year. After his 1925 graduation from the Kiev Agricultural Institute, with the degree of doctor of agricultural science, he was stationed at the Gyandzha Experimental Station until 1929. From 1929 to 1934 he held the office of senior specialist in the department of physiology of the Ukrainian All-Union Institute of Selection and genetics in Odessa; from 1935 to 1938 he was scientific director and then director of the All-Union Selection and Genetics Institute at Odessa.

      The Soviet chiefs began to support Lysenko during the agricultural crisis of the 1930s. On the basis of rather crude and unsubstantiated experiments, Lysenko promised greater, more rapid, and less costly increases in crop yields than other biologists believed possible. Under Stalin, Lysenko became director of the Institute of Genetics of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. (194065) and president of the then powerful V.I. Lenin All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences. By 1948, when education and research in standard genetics were virtually outlawed, some geneticists had suffered secret arrest and death of undisclosed causes.

      Lysenko's doctrines and claims varied with the amount of power that he held. Between 1948 and 1953, when he was the total autocrat of Soviet biology, he claimed that wheat plants raised in the appropriate environment produce seeds of rye, which is equivalent to saying that dogs living in the wild give birth to foxes. His fundamental, continuing argument was that theoretical biology must be fused with Soviet agricultural practice. After Stalin's death, this principle caused Lysenko some embarrassment, for efforts to improve Soviet agriculture brought the abandonment of measures to which his name and fame were tied. Hisgrasslandsystem of crop rotation was abandoned in favour of cultivation with mineral fertilizers, and a hybrid corn program based on the U.S. example was pursued (Lysenko halted the program in the mid-1930s, for he was opposed to the inbreeding with which it must begin). During Nikita Khrushchev's premiership, opposition to Lysenko's programs was tolerated, and Lysenko lost titular control of the Lenin Agricultural Academy. After Khrushchev's political demise, in 1964, Lysenko's doctrines were discredited, and intensive efforts made toward the reestablishment of orthodox genetics in the U.S.S.R. Deposed as director of the Institute of Genetics early in 1965, Lysenko seemed to be at the end of his mutable career. He and his followers, however, long retained their degrees, their titles, and their academic positions and remained free to support their aberrant trend in biology.

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