

      town, southern Austria, on the Drava (Drau) and Isel rivers at the northern end of the rugged Lienzer Dolomiten. The ruined Aguntum, which is situated immediately to the east, was the site of an Illyrian settlement (1100500 BC) and subsequently of a Roman town. Lienz was chartered in 1252. Notable landmarks include the 16th-century Lieburg (castle); the nearby Bruck Castle, a seat of the counts of Görz-Tirol from 1271 to 1500; the parish church of St. Andreas (c. 1450); the church of the former Dominican monastery (c. 1250; rebuilt 1798); and the Franciscan church (c. 1439). Lienz is the principal town and market centre of the East Tirol district. It is a summer and winter tourist resort and has some manufacturing (textiles and leather goods). Pop. (2006) 12,100.

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