

ancient people
also spelled  Lichchhavi 

      a people of northern India. They settled (6th5th century BCE) on the north bank of the Ganges (Ganga) River (Ganges River) in what is now Bihar state; their capital city was at Vaishali. The Licchavis were renowned for their republican government, which had a general assembly of the heads of the leading Kshatriya-caste families. They were, for a time, of considerable importance and rivaled the rising power of Magadha, forming a confederacy with other tribal groups (the so-called Vrijjian (Vṛjji), or Vaijjian, confederacy).

      The Licchavis remained influential in northern India and Nepal until about the 4th century CE. In Nepal a Licchavi dynasty is commemorated in a dating system, the Licchavi era, that began in 110 CE.

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  • Licchavi — (also Lichchhavi , Lichavi ) was an ancient republic which existed in what is now Bihar state of India, since the before the birth of Mahavira (b. 599 BC), [ [ 9048151/Licchavi Licchavi , Encyclopedia… …   Wikipedia

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  • Licchavi — Los licchavi se asentaron entre el siglo V adC y el siglo VI adC en la orilla norte del río Ganges, en la región india de Bihar, con capital en Vaisali. Gozaron de renombre por su gobierno republicano, teniendo una asamblea general de jefes de… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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  • Licchavi era — (с 450–с 750) In Nepal, the period of rule by the Licchavi dynasty. The dynasty originated in India, used Sanskrit as a court language, and issued Indian style coins. It maintained close ties to India and also had economic and political relations …   Universalium

  • Licchavi, era — ( 450– 750). Período del reinado de la dinastía Licchavi en Nepal. Se originó en India, utilizó el sánscrito como idioma de la corte y ordenó acuñar monedas de estilo indio. Mantuvo lazos estrechos con India y también relaciones económicas y… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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