Levi, Carlo

Levi, Carlo

Italian author
born Nov. 29, 1902, Turin, Italy
died Jan. 4, 1975, Rome

      Italian writer, painter, and political journalist whose first documentary novel became an international literary sensation and enhanced the trend toward social realism in postwar Italian literature.

      Levi was a painter and a practicing physician when he was exiled (193536) to the southern district of Lucania for anti-Fascist activities. His Cristo si è fermato a Eboli (1945; Christ Stopped at Eboli) reflects the visual sensitivity of a painter and the compassionate objectivity of a doctor. Quickly acclaimed a literary masterpiece, it was widely translated.

      Though Levi's first novel is unquestionably his masterpiece, he wrote other important nonfiction works. His Paura della libertà (1947; Of Fear and Freedom) proclaims the necessity of intellectual freedom despite an inherent human dread of it. L'orologio (1950; The Watch) deals with a postwar Cabinet crisis in Rome; Le parole sono pietre (1955; Words Are Stones) is a study of Sicily; and La doppia notte dei tigli (1959; The Linden Trees, or The Two-Fold Night) is a presentation of postwar Germany.

      Levi directed a periodical in Florence for a time and contributed to several other magazines. Later he devoted himself to painting.

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  • Levi, Carlo — (1902–1975)    A gifted painter as well as an outstanding writer, Carlo Levi’s principal legacy is the famous novel Cristo si e fermato a Eboli (Christ Stopped at Eboli, 1945). This autobiographical novel tells the story of a northern Italian… …   Historical Dictionary of modern Italy

  • Levi, Carlo — (1902 75)    Italian writer and painter. Born in Turin, he studied to be a doctor, but embarked on a career as a painter. He exhibited at the Venice biennial festival in 1924 and 1926. In 1934 he was arrested for his political activities and sent …   Dictionary of Jewish Biography

  • Levi, Carlo — ► (1902 75) Escritor y pintor italiano. Autor de Cristo se paró en Éboli (1945), en que describe la vida miserable de los campesinos de Lucania. Como pintor se le puede considerar cercano al postimpresionismo …   Enciclopedia Universal

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  • Carlo Levi — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Carlo Levi Carlo Levi (Turín, 29 de noviembre de 1902 † Roma, 4 de enero de 1975). Escritor y pintor italiano. Cursó estudios de medicina, pero prefirió dedicarse a la pintura. Ju …   Wikipedia Español

  • LEVI (C.) — LEVI CARLO (1902 1975) Entre 1935 et 1936, Carlo Levi, écrivain et peintre, médecin de formation, vit en exil dans le sud de l’Italie à cause de ses activités antifascistes. L’écrivain et peintre né à Turin et familier des milieux intellectuels… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Levi — (Carlo) (1902 1975) médecin, écrivain et peintre italien, antifasciste et néo réaliste: Le Christ s est arrêté à Eboli (1945), essai sociologique sur les paysans du Sud. Levi (Primo) (1919 1987) écrivain italien. Si c est un homme (1947) narre sa …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Lévi — Levi (Carlo) (1902 1975) médecin, écrivain et peintre italien, antifasciste et néo réaliste: Le Christ s est arrêté à Eboli (1945), essai sociologique sur les paysans du Sud. Levi (Primo) (1919 1987) écrivain italien. Si c est un homme (1947)… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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