Lenngren, Anna Maria

Lenngren, Anna Maria

Swedish poet
née  Malmstedt  
born June 18, 1754, Uppsala, Sweden
died March 8, 1817, Stockholm

      Swedish poet whose Neoclassical satires and pastoral idylls show a balance and moderation characteristic of the Enlightenment period and are still read for their gaiety and elegance.

      Educated by her father, a lecturer at Uppsala University, Lenngren began to publish poetry at age 18. In 1780 she married Carl Lenngren, founder (with Johan Henric Kellgren (Kellgren, Johan Henrik)) and later editor of the influential Stockholms Posten, to which she thereafter contributed anonymously. Insisting that she was a private individual, a housewife rather than a professional writer, Lenngren remained modest about her literary accomplishments. Her best work was written in the 1790s. Her most famous idylls are "Den glada festen" (1796; “The Merry Festival”) and "Pojkarne" (1797; “The Boys”). Of her satires, "Portraiterne" (1796) and "Grefvinnans besök" (1800; “The Countess's Visit”) are especially pungent. In the latter, a class-conscious parson's family puts itself at the beck and call of a visiting noblewoman. Although, as Lenngren said, she wasseldom far from home,” she combined clear-sighted knowledge of the world with tolerance of its foibles. One critic speaks of her cool head and warm heart, a combination that helps explain her continued popularity. Her poetry, collected in Skaldeförsök (1819; “Poetic Attempts”), is classical in form and remarkable for its purity of style and diction. Poems, selections of her verse in English translation, appeared in 1984.

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