

 city, Bavaria Land (state), southeastern Germany. It lies on the Isar River northeast of Munich. Named for its early position as the protector (Hut) of the neighbouring district, it was founded in 1204, when the duke of Bavaria built a fortress there, and was chartered in 1279. It remained a ducal seat until 1503 and was the site of the university of the Bavarian state from 1802 to 1826. An important rail junction, Landshut received more than 12,000 refugees after World War II, stimulating new industries such as electrotechnics and machinery. Other industries include brewing, milling, chocolate making, printing, and the manufacture of textiles and clothing, wood and paper products, and glass goods. Although surrounded by modern suburbs, the city retains its medieval character. It is dominated by the ducal castle of Trausnitz (13th16th century) and by the Gothic church of St. Martin (13891450), with one of the world's highest brick steeples (436 feet [133 metres]). Other landmarks include the Renaissance ducal palace (153643); the Cistercian nunnery of Seligenthal (founded 1232), with a Rococo church; and the former Dominican monastery, which was the seat of the university. There are other medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque buildings, as well as many gabled houses. Landshut has several museums with collections of art. Pop. (2003 est.) 60,282.

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Universalium. 2010.

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