Lambert Of Spoleto

Lambert Of Spoleto

Holy Roman emperor
Italian  Lamberto Di Spoleto  
died Oct. 15, 898, Marengo, Lombardy [Italy]

      duke of Spoleto, king of Italy, and Holy Roman emperor (892898) during the turbulent late Carolingian Age. He was one of many claimants to the imperial title.

      Crowned coemperor with his father, Guy of Spoleto, at a ceremony in Ravenna in 892, Lambert ruled alone after his father's death in 894. The following year Arnulf of Carinthia, king of Germany, invaded Italy and besieged Rome, taking the city in February 896. He was crowned emperor by Pope Formosus, who declared Lambert deposed. Marching on Spoleto, Arnulf was suddenly taken ill and had to return to Germany, leaving Lambert once more in possession of the empire.

      Almost a year after Formosus' death in 896, Lambert avenged the pope's crowning of Arnulf by having Formosus' body exhumed by the new pope, Stephen VI (VII), dressed in his pontifical robes, and tried and convicted in St. Peter's for a variety of crimes. Then, naked and mutilated, the body was flung into a potter's field and eventually thrown into the Tiber. Lambert died the following year in a hunting accident.

      In 898 Berengar, marquis of Friuli, Guy of Spoleto's former rival, marched on Pavia. Lambert, who had been hunting near Marengo, south of Milan, counterattacked and defeated Berengar. On his return to Marengo, he was killed, either by assassination or by a fall from his horse.

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