LaFontaine, Sir Louis-Hippolyte, Baronet
- LaFontaine, Sir Louis-Hippolyte, Baronet
▪ prime minister of Canada
born Oct. 4, 1807, Boucherville, Lower Canada
died Feb. 26, 1864, Montreal
Canadian statesman,
joint prime minister with Robert Baldwin (
Baldwin, Robert)
of the united province of Canada in 1842–
43 and again during the “
great ministry”
of 1848–
when responsible,
or cabinet,
government was finally achieved.
LaFontaine was called to the bar in Lower Canada in 1828, and two years later he began his political career when elected to the provincial assembly for Terrebonne. He supported the French-Canadian grievances against the British governor in chief, but he did not condone the Rebellion of 1837. With a second outbreak of rebellion in 1838, LaFontaine was imprisoned but released without trial.
After the union of Upper and Lower Canada (1840) as Canada West and Canada East, LaFontaine took over the leadership of the French-Canadian Reformers. He declined the post of solicitor general offered by the first governor, Lord Sydenham, but responded to the request of the succeeding governor, Sir Charles Bagot, that LaFontaine form a ministry with Robert Baldwin, leader of the Reformers in Canada West (now Ontario). The ministry, formed in 1842, resigned within a year as a protest against the action of Bagot's successor, Sir Charles Metcalfe. After four years in opposition, LaFontaine formed a new administration with Baldwin under Lord Elgin, and they successfully established responsible government in Canada. LaFontaine's Rebellion Losses Bill (1849), which compensated those who suffered damages during the rebellion, precipitated riots in Montreal.
He retired from office in 1851 and was appointed chief justice of Canada East and president of the seigneurial court in 1853. He was made a baronet in 1854. (His two sons died in infancy, and the baronetcy became extinct upon his death.)
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LaFontaine, Sir Louis Hippolyte, Baronet — born Oct. 4, 1807, Boucherville, Lower Canada died Feb. 26, 1864, Montreal Canadian statesman. Called to the bar in Lower Canada in 1829, he began his political career the following year, when he was elected to the provincial assembly for… … Universalium
Louis-Hippolyte Lafontaine — Sir Louis Hippolyte Lafontaine. Sir Louis Hippolyte Lafontaine (o La Fontaine) Baronet (1854) (4 de octubre de 1807 – 26 de febrero de 1864 Montreal) fue el primer canadiense en ocupar el puesto de Primer Ministro de la Provincia Unida de Canadá… … Wikipedia Español
Louis-Hippolyte La Fontaine — Louis Hippolyte La Fontaine … Deutsch Wikipedia
Louis-Hippolyte Lafontaine — Sir Louis Hippolyte Lafontaine (or La Fontaine), 1st Baronet (October 4 1807 – February 26 1864 Montreal) was the first Canadian to become Prime Minister of the United Province of Canada and the first head of a responsible government in Canada.… … Wikipedia
sir — /serr/, n. 1. a respectful or formal term of address used to a man: No, sir. 2. (cap.) the distinctive title of a knight or baronet: Sir Walter Scott. 3. (cap.) a title of respect for some notable personage of ancient times: Sir Pandarus of Troy … Universalium
baronet — baronetical, adj. /bar euh nit, bar euh net /, n. a member of a British hereditary order of honor, ranking below the barons and made up of commoners, designated by Sir before the name and Baronet, usually abbreviated Bart., after: Sir John Smith … Universalium
louis — /looh ee/; Fr. /lwee/, n., pl. louis /looh eez/; Fr. /lwee/. See louis d or. [1680 90] * * * (as used in expressions) Henry Louis Aaron Agassiz Jean Louis Rodolphe Aragon Louis Louis Andrieux Armstrong Louis Barrault Jean Louis Barthou Jean Louis … Universalium
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LaFontaine, Louis Sir Hippolyte, baronet — (4 oct. 1807, Boucherville, Bajo Canadá–26 feb. 1864, Montreal). Estadista canadiense. Se tituló de abogado en 1829, en Bajo Canadá, e inició su carrera política el año siguiente, cuando fue elegido miembro de la asamblea provincial en… … Enciclopedia Universal
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