

Indian philosopher
also called  Kumārilla-bhāṭṭa  
flourished AD 730

      South Indian dialectician, teacher, and interpreter of Jaimini's Mīmāṃsa-sūtras (“The Profound-Thought Sutras”), or Pūrva-mīmāṃsa system (200 BC).

      Tradition says that as a youth Kumārila was converted to Buddhism, but he returned to Hinduism and became a great defender of Vedic philosophy and practices, especially stressing the requirement of moksha (ritual sacrifice for liberation from the cycles of birth and reincarnation). Kumārila publicly debated Jaina and Buddhist teachers throughout India on the issue of the immortality of the individual soul and tried to persuade the powerful to withdraw their patronage of Buddhist monasteries. He hoped, through his revival of Hinduism, to weaken and stop the spread of those two religions in South India. A number of his ideas were taken up by his younger contemporary Śaṅkara.

      Kumārila added an epistemological element to the Mīmāṃsa collection of aphorisms, ritual, and inheritance law. Kumārila and his contemporary (and possibly disciple) Prabhākara are the chief exponents of the tenets found in the Mīmāṃsa-sūtras. Of these two interpretations, Kumārila's is the more widely read, and it is considered the chief source for the study of this philosophy.

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