

medieval city, Iraq
also spelled  Kufa,  

      medieval city of Iraq that was a centre of Arab culture and learning from the 8th to the 10th century. It was founded in 638 as a garrison town by ʿUmar I, the second caliph. The city lay on the Hindīyah branch of the Euphrates River, about 7 miles (11 km) northeast of an-Najaf. It was populated largely by South Arabians and Iranians and served as the seat of the governor of Iraq, sometimes sharing this position with its sister city, Basra. In 655 the Muslims of Kūfah became the first to support the claims of Alīʿ, son-in-law of the prophet Muḥammad, against the caliph ʿUthmān; Kūfah subsequently served as ʿAlī's capital (656661). Throughout Umayyad rule Kūfah remained a constant source of unrest. In 683, in the civil war following the death of the caliph Yazīd I, it recognized as caliph ʿAbd Allāh ibn az-Zubayr; then in 685 it violently resisted the Shīʿite doctrine forced on it by al-Mukhtār ibn Abū ʿUbayd at-Thaqafī.

      Occupied by the ʿAbbāsids in 749, the city was maintained as an administrative capital for some years, until the founding of Baghdad. After being sacked by the Qarmaṭians in 924925, 927, and 937, Kūfah declined steadily and was almost deserted in the 14th century when it was visited by the geographer Ibn Baṭṭūṭah. In its prime in the 2nd and 3rd Muslim centuries, Kūfah, along with Basra, was a centre for the study of Arabic grammar, philology, literary criticism, and belles lettres.

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